Monday, September 21, 2015

IVF: A Promising Step Towards a Healthy Family

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is often considered by couples as the last resort in successfully conceiving a child. Before opting for this treatment, many couples would have tried fertility enhancers such as prescriptions, surgery, or even so-called “fertility diets”.

During in vitro fertilization, the sperm and egg are united in a carefully controlled environment. Once an embryo forms, it (or they in the case where multiple embryos have formed) are implanted in the woman’s uterus where they continue on to become viable pregnancies. There are many questions that no doubt run through your mind when discussing the possibility of IVF.

There are a few questions you will want to consider asking your doctor during your initial consultation for any fertility treatment. These questions include things such as the pregnancy ratio to egg transfer, the live birth rate at their facility for couples in your age group who use IVF, and how long embryos can be stored.

Many facilities also offer egg donations as an alternative when a woman’s own eggs are not viable for reasons of age or genetics. Because of advances in IVF technology and techniques, the rate of successful in vitro fertilization is about 40% on average, which is much higher than the rate for non-IVF pregnancies. When this technology was new to the US in the 1980s that success rate was much lower, closer to 23%.

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